How to Handle Being Misunderstood
How to Handle Being Misunderstood Apple Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music Google Podcasts While walking my dog, Takoda, I unintentionally put myself in a challenging situation that ultimately taught me a valuable lesson on how to handle being misunderstood. It was one of those small moments that shouldn’t really matter, but for some reason, it lingered. […]
Essentialism for highly sensitive people: Over Minimalism
Typically, when we think about this simplification, we come across the concept of minimalism. However, minimalism may not be quite as effective as essentialism for highly sensitive people.Typically, when we think about this simplification, we come across the concept of minimalism. However, minimalism may not be quite as effective as essentialism for highly sensitive people.
Attachment styles
We all have unique ways of connecting with others, and establishing boundaries (or a lack of boundaries) in relationships. These patterns or attachment styles, which are rooted in our early experiences, play a crucial role in shaping who we are and how we achieve work-life balance… or not and eventually end up burnt out
Meditation for High Achievers
Meditation is tough, especially when you’re a high achiever. Stay with me while we talk about meditation for high achievers
There, I said it.
I’ve been practicing meditation for almost 20 years and it’s still wickedly hard for me to do.
Beyond Masculinity and Femininity: Redefining Balance Without Gendered Terms
A little while ago, a client of mine shared that they were at odds with themselves because they didn’t feel ‘masculine enough’ and that they operated ‘too much in the feminine’ energy. But at the same time, they didn’t want to be caught up in the culture of toxic masculinity either. They noticed that I had a Yin Yang symbol in one of my tattoos and asked what I thought about the idea of finding a balance between the masculine and the feminine.
Because I believe in the power of words, I told them, “Instead of talking about masculine and feminine, let’s talk about the Inner Warrior and the Inner Poet.”
Slow Down You’re Doing Fine – Prozac, letting go of resistance, santosha, and be-ing
Have you ever had a moment where it feels like a part of the authentic version of you just fell into place?
I just had another moment like that this past week, and it shifted a lot of things for me. All the way from sudoku and jigsaw puzzles on my phone, to how I view mental health medications for myself.
In a recent session with my therapist, she told me something which I already have heard a thousand times. She said “Remember you’re a human being not a human doing.”
I found it so frustrating because I felt like I was already doing that…
Kind of…
Okay, so not really.
Three Little Birds – The power of changing anxiety what if’s to even if’s
I’m a few weeks into the Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) for my OCD, which I’ve talked about in the last few posts, so if you’re curious what that’s all about check it out here and here. Basically it’s a way to lean into the anxiety, rather than do something to try and calm it or make it go away.
Turns out this is especially helpful with OCD because my obsessive thoughts only get more and more intense (and creative) the more I try and make the anxiety go away.
It’s been a really interesting learning experience for me for how I manage all of my anxiety, not just the OCD related anxiety, and it really came to a whole new level of clarity for me last week.
Coping Strategies for OCD – Broken & Beautiful
It’s been a few weeks of Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) therapy for my OCD – which is the gold standard treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder where you intentionally create opportunities for anxiety and fear to rise up, and then don’t do the compulsion that normally alleviates that fear.
The problem was, I was hitting a bit of a roadblock.
The good news is that all I had to do was change one word.